ZEN lab
Numerical and
Experimental Zoology
Gran Sasso - Laga

In 2019 the Butterfly Week went back to the mountains, in Abruzzo!
We started on the 8th of July in L’Aquila, with the 2° Workshop Nazionale del Monitoring Scheme Italia and setting up the first transects of BMS (Butterfly Monitoring Scheme) for the region Abruzzo.
The Gran Sasso and Monti della Laga had been the next stops. There we evaluated the butterfly population state of some species potentially at risk for climate change, focusing on Erebia spp. (particularly on E. pandrose), Lasiommata petropolitana and Parnassius apollo.
We also finished the last samplings for the Barcoding Italian Butterflies project.
The week ended in L’Aquila, with the first meeting of the Associazione Lepidotterologica Italiana (Italian Lepidopterological Association).
– 8th July – 10am: Università dell’Aquila, 2° Workshop Nazionale del Monitoring Scheme Italia (Building Coppito 0 – Alan Turing, ground floor, Auditorium – room A06).
– 9th July: L’Aquila surroundings, butterfly survey and setting the BMS (Butterfly Monitoring Scheme) transects.
– 10th July: Campo Imperatore, butterfly survey.
– 11th July: Monti della Laga peaks, butterfly survey.
– 12th July – 14.30pm: Università dell’Aquila, first meeting of the Associazione Lepidotterologica Italiana (Italian Lepidopterological Association). Building 11A, 3rd floor, room D4.2.