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Conferences and Workshops

  • 7-9 October 2022 , conference "IncontrALI" . Second National Meeting Nazionale of ALI Association (Associazione Lepidotterologica Italiana).
  • 10 April 2022 , conference about "Unveiling " with Elia van Tongeren and Ginevra Sistri.
We will be guests during the event "Entomodena" and we will present a conference entitled  "Unveiling: the role of beauty in the conservation of endangered species".
  • 8th April 2022 "Project Unveiling"  in the National Central Library of Florence!
We will talk about butterflies, beauty and biodiversity conservation with Mariagrazia Portera and Leonardo Dapporto
  • 28 October 2021 at 4 P.M. (GMT+1) conference for iBOL on macrogenetics and DNA-barcoding.
We will talk about comparative philogeography of European and North American butterflies with the preview presentation of data not yet published
  • 07 May 2021 "Between biology and aesthetics: the figure of beauty"
    with Alice Chirico (Unicatt Milano), Mariagrazia Portera (Unifi) and Leonardo Dapporto (Unifi). 
The webinar, hosted on the platform of the scientific dissemination association "The Way", illustrated the objectives and methods of the project "Unveiling". Here the registration, freely accessible.
  • 4 and 6 May 2021 from 4 to 6 P.M. Butterflies identification course.
Marco Bonifacino will talk about butterflies from Apennines and how to identify them
Locandina corso farfalle 4-6 maggio 2021.jpg
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